Tung fordonsburen radio
Radiostation 423 (Ra 423)
Detta var en udda fågel i arméns radiobestånd. På mitten av 1990-talet kunde armén köpa stora mängder pansarfordon från Ryssland t.ex. BMP BTR MT-LB (БМП, БТР, МТ-ЛБ).
Det visade sig att dessa fordon innehöll sin originalradio!
Denna radio var en klassiker i Sovjetunionen / Ryssland.
Radion har ett udda frekvensområde, god uteffekt, robust utförande. Den är rörbestyckad vilket är gynnsamt då rör är mera stryktåliga mot radioaktiv strålning än transistorer.
Emellertid kunde radion inte repareras (inga tekniker fanns, inga reservdelar heller). Samma problem med pansarfordonen.
MEN radion blev oerhört populär och dåvarande Brigadcentrum ville inte höra talas om att radion skulle tas bort. Den fick därför svensk beteckning Ra-423 och fick överleva så länge pansarfordonen gjorde det. Samtrafik med svenska radioapparater gick inte heller särskilt bra.
Idag är allt blott minnen.
Den är alltså tung radiostation/ stridsfordon, som "levde" 1960 - 1991 i Sovjetunionen / Ryssland och sedan hos oss.
Text nedantagen från denna sida:
R-123 Soviet Tank Radio Station
The R-123 is an FM radio station that was used in Soviet tanks until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. This was also one of the radio sets that was exported to all Soviet allies such as Iraq, Afghanistan, East Germany, North Korea, Cuba and Egypt. All R-123 units made for export were marked with
English control labels. The US forces in Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom faced Soviet vacuum tube technology. The unfortunate Iraqi army, was equipped with radio sets of enormous and unnecessary complexity, with no spare parts and not much repair expertise. Both in Iraq and Afghanistan, the tankers were relieved to trade in their R-123 sets for modern and reliable American units.
1. FM, ultra short-wave radio station.
2. 20 Watt transmitter.
3. Simplex and half-duplex telephony operation.
4. Squelch control.
5. 20.0 - 51.5 MHz frequency range divided inta two sections (20.0 - 35. 75 MHz, and 35.5 - 51.5 MHz). 1261 distinct usable frequencies separated by 25 KHz.
6. Can be used with a 4 meter antenna at a speed of approx 20 MPH.
7. Range is 20 KM without squelch enabled, and around 13 KM with squelch enabled while in motion.
8. Stationary operation allows for a range of 40 KM during the day and up to 50 KM at night.
9. Motorized station presets, where 4 stations can be set up along with their antenna matching settings. As the stations are switched to, the motors spin the mechanics to tune that frequency both on the radio set and the antenna matching system.
This radio station utilized 32 vacuum tubes of 5 different types: 1II24E (2), l)K29E (22) , 6)K45E (4) , 6)K5E (2), fY50 (2). Semiconductors are also utilized (transistors and diades).
Many design aspects were completely and unabashedly copied from German WWII designs (illustrated below).
This unit was very complex, both electronically and mechanically. The set was comprised of 7 modules:
1. HF Stage
2. Heterodyne
3. IF Stage and AF Stage
4. Front panel
5. Antenna matchin svstem
6. Motors
7. AF amplifier (duplex) and simplex/duplex system
The most expedient way to repair a failed module was to replace it, but with no acess to spare modules, no wonder, Soviet allies were stuck with a virtually unserviceable radio station.
Bilder på KULIKOV-antenn (КУЛИКОВ)
(som användes till Ra-423)
Notera de karakteristiska "trådrullarna" på antennen.
Antennen är namngiven efter konstruktören, KULIKOV (КУЛИКОВ).